Eftimie Doru

male Romania Romania
Curse realizate


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pentru a revendica aceast profil.

Vezi toate rezultatele Rezultate

Cursa C S G Bib Timp
Salomon EcoRun Moieciu ~ 2019 Maraton (Alergare montana) ~ 04 mai 2019 40 88 97 321
Raiffeisen Bank Bucharest Marathon ~ 2018 10K (Alergare sosea) ~ 14 octombrie 2018 647 1198 1958 15075
Ecomarathon ~ 2018 Cros (Alergare montana) ~ 05 mai 2018 20 34 36 1283
King of the Mountain ~ 2017 King of the Road (Ciclism sosea) ~ 08 iulie 2017 32 32 32 228
King of the Mountain ~ 2016 King of the Road (Ciclism sosea) ~ 08 iulie 2016 49 49 49 81
Callatis NoStress Triathlon Sosea ~ 2016 Olimpic (Triatlon de sosea) ~ 11 iunie 2016 -- -- -- 146 DQ
No Stress Triathlon offroad, Mogosoaia ~ 2016 Sprint Individual (Triatlon offroad) ~ 28 mai 2016 3 5 5 340
OMV Petrom Bucharest International Half Marathon ~ 2016 Semimaraton (Alergare sosea) ~ 15 mai 2016 -- 139 159 836
Transfier 70.3 Triathlon ~ 2015 70.3 Triathlon (Triatlon de sosea) ~ 25 iulie 2015 3 18 18 17
Transfier 70.3 Triathlon ~ 2015 King of the Mountain (Triatlon de sosea) ~ 25 iulie 2015 6 31 31 17
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