Aldoescu Alexandru

male Romania Romania
Curse realizate


Vezi toate rezultatele Rezultate

Cursa C S G Bib Timp
H3RO ~ 2021 Half (Triatlon de sosea) ~ 02 octombrie 2021 5 8 8 80
Transfier Triathlon ~ 2019 70.3 Triathlon (Triatlon de sosea) ~ 07 septembrie 2019 11 16 16 42
Volkswagen Bucharest International Half Marathon ~ 2018 Semimaraton (Alergare sosea) ~ 13 mai 2018 -- -- 840 6633
Transfier 70.3 Triathlon ~ 2016 King of the Mountain (Triatlon de sosea) ~ 17 septembrie 2016 31 59 71 177
Transfier 70.3 Triathlon ~ 2016 70.3 Triathlon (Triatlon de sosea) ~ 17 septembrie 2016 20 41 43 177
Callatis NoStress Triathlon Sosea ~ 2016 SPRINT (Triatlon de sosea) ~ 11 iunie 2016 3 4 4 233
OMV Petrom Bucharest International Half Marathon ~ 2016 Semimaraton (Alergare sosea) ~ 15 mai 2016 151 373 419 1271
Transfier 70.3 Triathlon ~ 2015 70.3 Triathlon (Triatlon de sosea) ~ 25 iulie 2015 26 59 60 22
Transfier 70.3 Triathlon ~ 2015 King of the Mountain (Triatlon de sosea) ~ 25 iulie 2015 31 70 71 22
Mogosoaia Triathlon OFFROAD ~ 2015 Sprint Individual (Triatlon offroad) ~ 20 iunie 2015 4 18 18 297
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