Azuga Trail Race ~ 2013

Azuga Trail Race ~ 2013

19 oct 2013 (sâm) Azuga, Romania
Numar concurs
Pozitie general
Pozitie open pe sex
Pozitie categorie
Status: Nu a terminat cursa
Timp: --
C S G Athlete Bib Categorie Club Timp Dif.
117 216 259 Cosmin Popescu 393 M19-34 --- +
30 44 260 Lenuta Pamint 377 F19-34 --- +
31 45 261 Anamaria Duhovnicu 173 F19-34 --- +
32 46 262 Andreea Elena Tanase 439 F19-34 --- +
84 217 263 Mihai Barbu 34 M35-50 --- +
85 218 264 Adrian Radu 403 M35-50 --- +
33 47 265 Monica - Cristina Tarta 440 F19-34 THE RUNNING MASTERS OF DISASTERS +
15 48 266 Catalina Arnautu 28 F35-50 --- +
86 219 267 Bogdan Molnar 353 M35-50 --- +
118 220 268 Marius Petre 386 M19-34 --- +
34 49 269 Daniela Chibritan 80 F19-34 --- +
119 221 270 Ciprian Gabriel Gavriliu 188 M19-34 --- +
87 222 271 Nicolae Arnautu 29 M35-50 --- +
120 223 272 Gabriel Ursescu 448 M19-34 --- +
1 50 273 Mariana Guralivu 199 F/peste 50 --- +
121 -- 274 Dragos State 496 M19-34 --- DNF ---
35 -- 275 Cindy Callewaert 16 F19-34 --- DNS ---
122 -- 276 Valentin Bob 40 M19-34 --- DNS ---
123 -- 277 Iulian Constantin 94 M19-34 --- DNS ---
88 -- 278 Radu Donoiu 167 M35-50 --- DNS ---
124 -- 279 Andrei Gheorghiu 190 M19-34 --- DNS ---
89 -- 280 Ciprian Ion 231 M35-50 --- DNS ---
125 -- 281 Stefan-Iulian Moraru 355 M19-34 LICURICII SUPERSONICI DNS ---
126 -- 282 Adrian Niculae 366 M19-34 --- DNS ---
127 -- 283 Cristian Nita 368 M19-34 --- DNS ---
90 -- 284 Robin Simion 422 M35-50 --- DNS ---
128 -- 285 Adrian Spinu 423 M19-34 --- DNS ---
129 -- 286 Radu Cristian Stefanescu 428 M19-34 --- DNS ---
17 -- 287 Constantin Stumbea 433 M/peste 50 --- DNS ---
130 -- 288 Bortos Tibi 476 M19-34 --- DNS ---