Transilvania Half Marathon ~ 2016

Transilvania Half Marathon ~ 2016

23 oct 2016 (dum) Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Numar concurs
Pozitie general
Pozitie open pe sex
Pozitie categorie


Proba Activitate Distanta Timp Total
Lap 1 Run 7.00 km 00:45:31.00 00:45:31.00
Lap 2 Run 7.00 km 00:46:49.00 01:32:20.00
Lap 3 Run 7.00 km 00:48:03.00 02:20:23.00
C S G Athlete Bib Categorie Club Timp Dif.
35 -- 214 Adrian Vaidos 189 M 40-49 Siemens -
67 -- 215 Bogdan Lucaciu 90 M 30-39 Endava -
14 -- 216 Corina Moldovan 121 F 30-39 --- -
8 -- 217 Mihaela Alina Dobrescu 172 F 40-49 Orca -
9 -- 218 Marilena Meszaros 112 F 40-49 --- -
21 -- 219 Ramona Scurtu 45 F 19-29 --- -
22 -- 220 Dimisca Angela 46 F 19-29 --- -
10 -- 221 Iovanas Ioana Camelia 336 F 40-49 --- -
62 -- 222 Sergiu Cipcigan 78 M 19-29 --- -
15 -- 223 Silvia Mariana Mosincat 38 F 30-39 The Minions -
68 -- 224 Vlad Nedisan 37 M 30-39 The Minions -
69 -- 225 Paul-Alexandru Butnariu 10 M 30-39 --- -
16 -- 226 Monica Tarc?u 187 F 30-39 --- -
17 -- 227 Maria-Cristina Puscasu 101 F 30-39 --- -
18 -- 228 Stanca Potra 110 F 30-39 Tarahumara -
70 -- 229 Marius Mornea 113 M 30-39 Tarahumara --
19 -- 230 Simona-Minerva Tataru 126 F 30-39 --- +
71 -- 231 Ciprian Tataru 32 M 30-39 --- +
23 -- 232 Bianca Pascu 91 F 19-29 --- +
11 -- 233 Adina Boeriu 223 F 40-49 --- +
72 -- 234 Mihai Dinca 30 M 30-39 --- +
24 -- 235 Nane-Gabriela Bejan 94 F 19-29 Bejan Nane-Gabriela +
73 -- 236 Filip Haragus 54 M 30-39 --- +
63 -- 237 George-Paul Matei 19 M 19-29 --- +
64 -- 238 Zied Kallel 73 M 19-29 --- +
1 -- 239 Susana Ulbrecht 159 F Peste 50 --- +
74 -- 240 NKS ZRPS 229 M 30-39 --- +
75 -- 241 Danci Gabriel 35 M 30-39 Aventura X +
25 -- 242 Diana Maxim 92 F 19-29 --- +
20 -- 243 Violeta Muresan 65 F 30-39 --- +
76 -- 244 Alexandru Muresan 66 M 30-39 --- +