King of the Mountain ~ 2018

King of the Mountain ~ 2018

07 iul 2018 (sâm) Păltiniș, Romania
Numar concurs
Pozitie general
Pozitie open pe sex
Pozitie categorie
Status: Nu a terminat cursa
Timp: --
C S G Athlete Bib Categorie
-- -- -- Murar George Iulian 223 Male Road
-- -- -- Nanu Elvis 230 Male Road
-- -- -- Negus Daniel George 231 Male Road
-- -- -- Nistor Mihai 241 Male Road
-- -- -- Opris Nicolae-Cosmin 249 Male Road
-- -- -- Padurean Sorin 251 Male Road
-- -- -- Pastiu Mircea Alexandru 258 Male Road
-- -- -- Pataki Farkas 259 Male Road
-- -- -- Petrica Bogdan 261 Male Road
-- -- -- Petrisor Patrick 262 Male Road
-- -- -- Petrisor Doru 263 Male Road
-- -- -- Pintilie Iulian 264 Male Road
-- -- -- Pop Cristian 265 Male Road
-- -- -- Pop Georgiana 266 Female Road
-- -- -- Popescu Gheorghe Cristian 271 Male Road
-- -- -- Radovici Mircea 277 Male Road
-- -- -- Ruja Adrian 280 Male Road
-- -- -- Seicean Valentin 290 Male Road
-- -- -- Silaghi Luiza 291 Female Road
-- -- -- Silaghi Remus 292 Male Road
-- -- -- Silav Constantin 294 Male Road
-- -- -- Simonffy Botonda 295 Male Road
-- -- -- Soare Matilda 297 Female Road
-- -- -- Spac Andrei 300 Male Road
-- -- -- Spatar Cristina 308 Female Road
-- -- -- Staicu Florian Alin 331 Male Road
-- -- -- Suciu Cristian Teodor 339 Male Road
-- -- -- Tal Danut 341 Male Road
-- -- -- Tamas Ovidiu-Valer 344 Male Road
-- -- -- Tirlea Florin Cristian 352 Male Road
-- -- -- Tudor Lucian 354 Male Road