male Romania Romania CAMPINA
Curse realizate


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Cursa C S G Bib Timp
Raiffeisen Bank Bucharest Marathon ~ 2019 Semimaraton (Alergare sosea) ~ 13 octombrie 2019 506 1276 1593 7052
Volkswagen Bucharest Half Marathon ~ 2019 Semimaraton (Alergare sosea) ~ 12 mai 2019 602 1489 1814 4155
Salomon EcoRun Moieciu ~ 2019 Cros (Alergare montana) ~ 04 mai 2019 356 566 979 1069
Ecomarathon ~ 2018 Cros (Alergare montana) ~ 05 mai 2018 148 235 293 1057
Corcova Trail Race ~ 2017 Jirov - 15km (Alergare cross-country) ~ 26 august 2017 42 77 100 91
King of the Mountain ~ 2017 King of the Road (Ciclism sosea) ~ 08 iulie 2017 14 14 14 133
Ecomarathon ~ 2017 Cros (Alergare montana) ~ 06 mai 2017 235 349 565 1138
King of the Mountain ~ 2016 King of the Road (Ciclism sosea) ~ 08 iulie 2016 51 51 51 109
Macin Mountain Fun ~ 2016 MTB Amatori - 35km (Mountain Biking) ~ 11 iunie 2016 31 -- 140 367
Prima Evadare ~ 2015 Maraton MTB 55km (MTB Cross-Country) ~ 10 mai 2015 715 1425 1497 2598
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