Cros pentru Școli ~ 2015

Cros pentru Școli ~ 2015

10 mai 2015 (dum) Iasi, Romania
Numar concurs
Pozitie general
Pozitie open pe sex
Pozitie categorie
C S G Athlete Bib Categorie Club Timp Dif.
60 60 102 Morariu Andrei Iosif 119 Male Open Individual -
43 43 103 Paraschiv Adina 107 Female Open Individual -
44 44 104 Bordea Amalia 134 Female Open Echipa SCCros the line -
45 45 105 Petrache Cristina- Mihaela 139 Female Open Echipa SCCros the line -
46 46 106 Druta Gabriela 148 Female Open Echipa SCCros the line -
61 61 107 Necesita Inscriere 249 Male Open Echipa Provident -
62 62 108 Necesita Inscriere 245 Male Open Echipa Provident -
63 63 109 Necesita Inscriere 248 Male Open Echipa Provident -
64 64 110 Dorneanu Alexandru 156 Male Open Echipa SCCros the line -
65 65 111 Lucaci George 159 Male Open Echipa Xerox Road Runners -
66 66 112 Ionita Ionel 113 Male Open Individual -
47 47 113 Cucu Andreea- Madalina 125 Female Open Individual -
67 67 114 Ciofu Vlad 122 Male Open Individual -
68 68 115 Pastrav Tiberiu Andrei 123 Male Open Individual -
48 48 116 Poduret Doina 191 Female Open Echipa Amazon -
69 69 117 Mihaila Georgiana 149 Male Open Echipa SCCros the line --
70 70 118 Sandru Catalin 179 Male Open Echipa CENTRIC +
49 49 119 Nagy Andreea 218 Female Open Echipa Provident +
71 71 120 Ciobanu Corneliu 228 Male Open Echipa Provident +
72 72 121 Gardea Ionut 216 Male Open Echipa Provident +