Skoda Green Challenge ~ 2016

Skoda Green Challenge ~ 2016

12 iun 2016 (dum) Baneasa. Bucuresti, Romania
Numar concurs
Pozitie general
Pozitie open pe sex
Pozitie categorie
Status: Nu a luat startul
Timp: --

Componenta echipa:


Proba Activitate Distanta Timp Total Atlet
Lap 1 - 0.00 -- 00:00:00.00 --
Lap 2 - 0.00 -- 00:00:00.00 --
Lap 3 - 0.00 -- 00:00:00.00 --
Lap 4 - 0.00 -- 00:00:00.00 --
C S G Athlete Bib Categorie Club Timp Dif.
11 30 30 Wheels of Steel 48 Mixt --- +
20 31 31 Red Riders 36 Masculin VODAFONE ROMANIA TECHNOLOGIES SRL +
12 32 32 Fast & Furious 13 Mixt Garanti Bank +
1 33 33 Road Grand Pink 37 Feminin Road Grand Pink +
21 34 34 Fendouzhe 15 Masculin --- +
13 35 35 DPAP 10 Mixt Biro Media Trading SRL +
14 36 36 Bike Angels 3 Mixt --- +
2 37 37 Gothaer 2 21 Feminin Gothaer Asigurari -Reasigurari SA +
15 38 38 Mazars' Workaholics 29 Mixt Mazars Consulting SRL +
3 39 39 Vodafone Girls 46 Feminin VODAFONE ROMANIA TECHNOLOGIES SRL +
16 40 40 THE LIGHT TEAM 43 Mixt --- +
-- -- -- Orange 32 Masculin Orange Romania DNF ---
-- -- -- 4 MOTION 1 Masculin Porsche Romania DNS ---
-- -- -- Bike Slayers 4 Mixt Porsche Romania DNS ---
-- -- -- Das Velo 8 Masculin Porsche Romania DNS ---
-- -- -- FC Atletico Dobroesti 14 Mixt --- DNS ---
-- -- -- Fifty - Fifty 16 Mixt VODAFONE ROMANIA TECHNOLOGIES SRL DNS ---
-- -- -- Gladiator Szobi-Cseh 19 Masculin Asocia?ia Gladiator-Szobi Cseh DNS ---
-- -- -- MaxBike 27 Masculin --- DNS ---
-- -- -- Rocket Science 38 Mixt Porsche Romania DNS ---

12 iun 2016 (dum)

Baneasa. Bucuresti, Romania

Site oficial


