King of the Mountain ~ 2017

King of the Mountain ~ 2017

08 iul 2017 (sâm) Păltiniș, Romania
Numar concurs
Pozitie general
Pozitie open pe sex
Pozitie categorie


Proba Activitate Distanta Timp Total
Start - 0.00 -- 00:00:00.00
Finish - 0.00 -- 00:00:00.00
C S G Athlete Bib Categorie Timp Dif.
18 18 19 Oprea Cosmin 1096 MK -
19 19 20 Fogoros Ioan Florian 1099 MK -
20 20 21 Boer Catalin Grigore 275 MK -
21 21 22 Hozat Dorian 1098 MK -
22 22 23 Dordea Daniel 1083 MK -
23 23 24 Gligor Lucian 288 MK -
2 2 25 Dezs? Melinda 1056 FK -
24 24 26 Rebegea Marius 1008 MK -
25 25 27 Manaila Daniel 1031 MK -
26 26 28 Nicola Ionut 1065 MK -
27 27 29 Sporis Augustin 1026 MK -
28 28 30 Gyorgy Florin Ernest 274 MK -
29 29 31 Bakk Attila Ferenc 1091 MK -
30 30 32 Moldovan Iacob E. 1001 MK -
31 31 33 Radoiu Alexandru 1075 MK -
32 32 34 Costea Daniel 1093 MK --
33 33 35 Munteanu Cristian 1078 MK +
34 34 36 Nicula Radu-Valentin 1054 MK +
35 35 37 Dragoman Catalin 1070 MK +
36 36 38 M?n?stireanu Cosmin 1081 MK +
37 37 39 Beschiu Nicolae 1087 MK +
38 38 40 Moldovan Iosif 1062 MK +
39 39 41 Bucur Emanuel 285 MK +
40 40 42 Tulai Voicu 1069 MK +
41 41 43 Portik Cristian 281 MK +
42 42 44 Sandor Szabolcs 1010 MK +
43 43 45 Diaconeasa Andrei 1059 MK +
44 44 46 Verigeanu Eduard 1095 MK +
45 45 47 Dur? Danut 1029 MK +
46 46 48 Vingarzan Cosmin Ioan 1048 MK +
47 47 49 Dancila Iuliu 1072 MK +