Turul Romaniei - King of the Mountain ~ 2019

Turul Romaniei - King of the Mountain ~ 2019

14 sept 2019 (sâm) -, Romania
Numar concurs
Pozitie general
Pozitie open pe sex
Pozitie categorie
C S G Athlete Bib Categorie Timp Dif.
3 3 3 Cârstescu Ionu? 61 KOTR -
4 4 4 Csaba Bartha 117 KOTR -
5 5 5 Grozea Alexandru 72 KOTR -
6 6 6 Bran Viorel 94 KOTR -
7 7 7 Piciu Denis Mattew 84 KOTR -
8 8 8 Coman Bogdan 1 KOTR -
9 9 9 Daniel Leasu 28 KOTR -
10 10 10 Staicu Marius 114 KOTR -
11 11 11 Angelescu Florin 17 KOTR -
12 12 12 Iustin Grigoras 167 KOTR -
13 13 13 Pulpa Alexandru 166 KOTR -
14 14 14 Manea Florin C?t?lin 30 KOTR -
15 15 15 Radoi Petrisor 52 KOTR -
16 16 16 Cristian Mihnea 102 KOTR -
17 17 17 Dumitriu Savian 91 KOTR -
18 18 18 Manolea Daniel 79 KOTR --
19 19 19 Moroiu Adrian 131 KOTR --
20 20 20 Aurel Suciu 77 KOTR +
21 21 21 Pintilie Iulian 27 KOTR +
22 22 22 Tiberiu Teodorescu 29 KOTR +
23 23 23 Onita George Ciprian 120 KOTR +
24 24 24 Cosmin Szekely Papp 5 KOTR +
25 25 25 Nitu Lucian 41 KOTR +
26 26 26 Scarlat Stefan 111 KOTR +
27 27 27 Stefan Constantin 15 KOTR +
28 28 28 Stanescu Mihai 99 KOTR +
29 29 29 Staicu Cristian 194 KOTR +
30 30 30 Prozbik Alexandru Daniel 124 KOTR +
31 31 31 Bartus Alex Norbert 201 KOTR +
32 32 32 Vasilache Florin 44 KOTR +
33 33 33 Tomuta Daniel 196 KOTR +