King of the Mountain ~ 2016

King of the Mountain ~ 2016

08 iul 2016 (vin) Păltiniș, Romania
Numar concurs
Pozitie general
Pozitie open pe sex
Pozitie categorie
C S G Athlete Bib Categorie Timp Dif.
111 111 116 Musat Flaviu Constantin 159 Male All Ages -
112 112 117 Hociota Radu 115 Male All Ages -
6 6 118 Zapodeanu Anca 235 Female All Ages -
113 113 119 Verigeanu Victor Catalin 230 Male All Ages -
114 114 120 Lapadus Cristian 131 Male All Ages -
7 7 121 Silav Adriana 201 Female All Ages -
115 115 122 Bota Gabriel 44 Male All Ages -
116 116 123 Nicola Ionut 165 Male All Ages -
117 117 124 Teusan Mihai 221 Male All Ages -
118 118 125 Boerescu Flaviu 41 Male All Ages -
119 119 126 Dutescu Radu Alin 80 Male All Ages -
120 120 127 Popovici Florin 184 Male All Ages -
121 121 128 Mangu Ioan Florin 140 Male All Ages -
122 122 129 Novak Edmond 169 Male All Ages -
123 123 130 Cioineag Mihai 56 Male All Ages -
8 8 131 Radu Andreea 189 Female All Ages --
124 124 132 Alexandru Cristian 15 Male All Ages +
125 125 133 Kacso Cosmin Petru 128 Male All Ages +
126 126 134 Lodea Antoniu Ioan 135 Male All Ages +
127 127 135 Holom Dorin-Ionut 116 Male All Ages +
128 128 136 Isdraila Florin 123 Male All Ages +
129 129 137 Esan Titus 83 Male All Ages +
130 130 138 Opri? Nicolae-Cosmin 172 Male All Ages +
131 131 139 Tirlea Cristian 222 Male All Ages +
132 132 140 Stoica Constantin Stelian 209 Male All Ages +
9 9 141 Stefanescu Maria-Magdalena 206 Female All Ages +
133 133 142 Tache Mircea Alin 214 Male All Ages +
134 134 143 Vacar Codrut 226 Male All Ages +
135 135 144 Ciupei Razvan 59 Male All Ages +
136 136 145 Balan Vlad 28 Male All Ages +
10 10 146 Palade Miruna 173 Female All Ages +