King of the Mountain ~ 2016

King of the Mountain ~ 2016

08 iul 2016 (vin) Păltiniș, Romania

Cursa King of the Road

Tip Cursa amatori
C S G Athlete Bib Categorie Timp
1 1 1 Ignat Eugen 119 Male All Ages
2 2 2 Leasu Daniel 4 Male All Ages
3 3 3 Frunzeanu Marian 1 Male All Ages
4 4 4 Daniel Anghelache 236 Male All Ages
5 5 5 Emanuel Stan 82 Male All Ages
6 6 6 Pulpa Alexandru 3 Male All Ages
7 7 7 Medrea Samuel 148 Male All Ages
8 8 8 Angelescu Florin 22 Male All Ages
9 9 9 Kovacs Robert 2 Male All Ages
10 10 10 Mandeal Mihai 5 Male All Ages
11 11 11 Vulpescu Andrei 233 Male All Ages
12 12 12 Fartade Eduard-Gabriel 7 Male All Ages
13 13 13 Nichitov Cosmin 6 Male All Ages
14 14 14 Lupu Iustin-Dorin 137 Male All Ages
15 15 15 Anton Mihai 24 Male All Ages
16 16 16 Tamas Beniamin 217 Male All Ages
17 17 17 Manea Florin-Catalin 139 Male All Ages
18 18 18 Chismorie Almond 53 Male All Ages
19 19 19 Szatmari Daniel 212 Male All Ages
20 20 20 Danciut Ovidiu 74 Male All Ages
21 21 21 Nitu Lucian 9 Male All Ages
22 22 22 Sofron Tudor 203 Male All Ages
23 23 23 Sascau Sebastian 197 Male All Ages
24 24 24 Stefan Scarlat 205 Male All Ages
25 25 25 Harsan Paul 112 Male All Ages
26 26 26 Vaidian Iustin 227 Male All Ages
27 27 27 Galaftion Codrut 94 Male All Ages
28 28 28 Marin Cristian 147 Male All Ages
29 29 29 Uivari Catalin 225 Male All Ages
30 30 30 Petrica Bogdan 176 Male All Ages
31 31 31 Troanca Daniel 223 Male All Ages
32 32 32 Buda Ciprian 46 Male All Ages
33 33 33 Stoica Vlad 210 Male All Ages
34 34 34 Blaga Adrian 36 Male All Ages
35 35 35 Chiran Iulian Ciprian 52 Male All Ages
36 36 36 Almarichi Vlad Marius 17 Male All Ages
37 37 37 Damian Dan 70 Male All Ages
38 38 38 Popovici Alexandru 237 Male All Ages
39 39 39 Leu Cristian 133 Male All Ages
40 40 40 Mulea Sorin 157 Male All Ages
41 41 41 Kerekes Francisc Stefan 129 Male All Ages
42 42 42 Afloarei Cosmin 12 Male All Ages
43 43 43 Radovici Mircea 188 Male All Ages
44 44 44 Moisei Nicolae 155 Male All Ages
45 45 45 Buhas Doru 47 Male All Ages
46 46 46 Leuce Sergiu 134 Male All Ages
47 47 47 Nadastean Bogdan 160 Male All Ages
48 48 48 Crisan Daniel 66 Male All Ages
49 49 49 Eftimie Doru 81 Male All Ages
50 50 50 Novak Edvard 168 Male All Ages
51 51 51 Grigore Mihai 109 Male All Ages
52 52 52 Rosu Eugen 194 Male All Ages
53 53 53 Seiceanu Florin 199 Male All Ages
1 1 54 Serachitopol Monica 200 Female All Ages
54 54 55 Nanu Florin 161 Male All Ages
55 55 56 Nistor Alin 167 Male All Ages
56 56 57 Petrache Alexandru Mihai 175 Male All Ages
57 57 58 Filip Alex 88 Male All Ages
58 58 59 Dan Marius 71 Male All Ages
59 59 60 Mitroi Paul 153 Male All Ages
60 60 61 Alexandru Radu 16 Male All Ages
61 61 62 Grosu Andrei Filip 111 Male All Ages
62 62 63 Andreescu Cosmin 20 Male All Ages
63 63 64 Negrea Daniel 162 Male All Ages
64 64 65 Giurea Bogdan 105 Male All Ages
65 65 66 Blezu Nicolae 37 Male All Ages
66 66 67 Ispas Denis 124 Male All Ages
67 67 68 Geafer Marius 97 Male All Ages
68 68 69 Avramescu Bogdan 26 Male All Ages
69 69 70 Chera Ionut 49 Male All Ages
70 70 71 Stefu Stefan 208 Male All Ages
71 71 72 Gladca Dragos 107 Male All Ages
72 72 73 Stefu Mihai-Dan 207 Male All Ages
73 73 74 Baila Paul-Adrian 27 Male All Ages
74 74 75 Intuneric Romeo 120 Male All Ages
75 75 76 Mircea Bogdan 150 Male All Ages
76 76 77 Ghimpu Marius 103 Male All Ages
77 77 78 Barb Ovidiu 32 Male All Ages
78 78 79 Vusmuc Mugur 234 Male All Ages
79 79 80 Lebu Bogdan 132 Male All Ages
80 80 81 Fiscu Calin 90 Male All Ages
81 81 82 Barbatei Liviu 33 Male All Ages
2 2 83 Lupuj Noemi 138 Female All Ages
82 82 84 Ispas Andrei 126 Male All Ages
83 83 85 Popa Adrian Radu 181 Male All Ages
3 3 86 Butuc Corina Loredana 48 Female All Ages
84 84 87 Gheorghita Eugen 99 Male All Ages
85 85 88 Geleriu Stefan 98 Male All Ages
86 86 89 Boer Catalin Grigore 40 Male All Ages
87 87 90 Ghisoiu Mihai 104 Male All Ages
88 88 91 Dragomir Flavius - Daniel 79 Male All Ages
4 4 92 Roman Denisa 192 Female All Ages
89 89 93 Blid Razvan 38 Male All Ages
90 90 94 Tanase Ovidiu 220 Male All Ages
91 91 95 Voicila Georgian 231 Male All Ages
92 92 96 Besoiu Radu Cosmin 34 Male All Ages
93 93 97 Bran Alexandru 45 Male All Ages
94 94 98 Czinczok Eduard 69 Male All Ages
95 95 99 Nicodin Gheorghe 164 Male All Ages
96 96 100 Ghiban Florin 102 Male All Ages
97 97 101 Marchis Adrian Grigore 143 Male All Ages
98 98 102 Horatiu Ciupei 117 Male All Ages
99 99 103 Falamas Claudiu 85 Male All Ages
100 100 104 Sarbu Andrei 195 Male All Ages
101 101 105 Grosu Alexandru 110 Male All Ages
102 102 106 Giusca Alin-Ionel 106 Male All Ages
5 5 107 Tanasa Ana 219 Female All Ages
103 103 108 Gravuj Vilmos Szilard 108 Male All Ages
104 104 109 Fota Barbulescu Marius 91 Male All Ages
105 105 110 Andreoiu Marcus 21 Male All Ages
106 106 111 Bidica Gabriel 35 Male All Ages
107 107 112 Hila Stefan Aristide 114 Male All Ages
108 108 113 Voicu Lucian 232 Male All Ages
109 109 114 Talos Vlad 216 Male All Ages
110 110 115 Popa Ovidiu 180 Male All Ages
111 111 116 Musat Flaviu Constantin 159 Male All Ages
112 112 117 Hociota Radu 115 Male All Ages
6 6 118 Zapodeanu Anca 235 Female All Ages
113 113 119 Verigeanu Victor Catalin 230 Male All Ages
114 114 120 Lapadus Cristian 131 Male All Ages
7 7 121 Silav Adriana 201 Female All Ages
115 115 122 Bota Gabriel 44 Male All Ages
116 116 123 Nicola Ionut 165 Male All Ages
117 117 124 Teusan Mihai 221 Male All Ages
118 118 125 Boerescu Flaviu 41 Male All Ages
119 119 126 Dutescu Radu Alin 80 Male All Ages
120 120 127 Popovici Florin 184 Male All Ages
121 121 128 Mangu Ioan Florin 140 Male All Ages
122 122 129 Novak Edmond 169 Male All Ages
123 123 130 Cioineag Mihai 56 Male All Ages
8 8 131 Radu Andreea 189 Female All Ages
124 124 132 Alexandru Cristian 15 Male All Ages
125 125 133 Kacso Cosmin Petru 128 Male All Ages
126 126 134 Lodea Antoniu Ioan 135 Male All Ages
127 127 135 Holom Dorin-Ionut 116 Male All Ages
128 128 136 Isdraila Florin 123 Male All Ages
129 129 137 Esan Titus 83 Male All Ages
130 130 138 Opri? Nicolae-Cosmin 172 Male All Ages
131 131 139 Tirlea Cristian 222 Male All Ages
132 132 140 Stoica Constantin Stelian 209 Male All Ages
9 9 141 Stefanescu Maria-Magdalena 206 Female All Ages
133 133 142 Tache Mircea Alin 214 Male All Ages
134 134 143 Vacar Codrut 226 Male All Ages
135 135 144 Ciupei Razvan 59 Male All Ages
136 136 145 Balan Vlad 28 Male All Ages
10 10 146 Palade Miruna 173 Female All Ages
137 137 147 Danut Tal 118 Male All Ages
138 138 148 Ispas Cornel 125 Male All Ages
139 139 149 Marcu Victor 145 Male All Ages
11 11 150 Dobre Virginia 76 Female All Ages
12 12 151 Nichitov Alexandra 163 Female All Ages
13 13 152 Vasiliu Simona 229 Female All Ages
140 140 153 Marcu Dan 146 Male All Ages
141 141 154 Anghel Raul 23 Male All Ages
142 142 155 Comsa Cosmin 61 Male All Ages
143 143 156 Fircoiu Cezar 89 Male All Ages
144 144 157 Pricope Gelu 186 Male All Ages
145 145 158 Junker Tuvia 127 Male All Ages
14 14 159 Nuta Mirela 170 Female All Ages
146 146 160 Luca Adrian Ovidiu 136 Male All Ages
147 147 161 Tanasa Ciprian 218 Male All Ages
148 148 162 Arseniu Rares 25 Male All Ages
149 149 163 Gherghiceanu Dumitru 101 Male All Ages
150 150 164 Dancila Paul 72 Male All Ages
15 15 165 Borcea Anca-Maria 42 Female All Ages
151 151 166 Fruja Dragos Cristian 92 Male All Ages
152 152 167 Sobco Ovidiu 202 Male All Ages
153 153 168 Borcea Lucian Constantin 43 Male All Ages
154 154 169 Constantin Marius 63 Male All Ages
155 155 170 Rosca Razvan 193 Male All Ages
16 16 171 Diac Dana-Raluca 75 Female All Ages
156 156 172 Cristescu Valentin 67 Male All Ages
157 157 173 Achim Daniel 10 Male All Ages
158 158 174 Albert Adrian 13 Male All Ages
17 17 175 Mioara Staicu 51 Female All Ages
-- -- -- Banciu Andrei 31 Male All Ages DQ
-- -- -- Popa Radu Benvenutto 182 Male All Ages DQ
-- -- -- Tanase Alin Flavius 8 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Achim Ioan 11 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Aldea Bogdan 14 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Alpredi Adrian 18 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Ander Flavius 19 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Balasan Andrei 29 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Baldea Mihnea 30 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Bobaila Florin 39 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Chiciudean Timotei 50 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Cioara Flaviu-Octavian 54 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Ciobanica Petru 55 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Cioriia Marius 57 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Ciprian Rosca 58 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Codorean Dan Cristian 60 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Constantin Ion 62 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Costa Ionut 64 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Crisan Dan 65 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Cusnir Vlad Alexandru 68 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Danciu Vlad 73 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Dragan Oliver 77 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Draghici Adrian 78 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Fagadariu Iuliana 84 Female All Ages DNS
-- -- -- feher adrian florin piersic 86 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Ferencz Csaba 87 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Fulea Romeo 93 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Gandila Marius 95 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Gaspar Liviu Bogdan 96 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Gherghiceanu Georgeta 100 Female All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Hategan Paul 113 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Ionus Aurelian 121 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Iordache Alin 122 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- kovacs stefan 130 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Manitiu Cristian 141 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Manolea Daniel 142 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Marcu Eugen 144 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Mesteru Mihaela 149 Female All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Mirea Virgil Alexandru 151 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Mirela Stroie 152 Female All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Mohan Marcel 154 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Mosinoiu Flavia 156 Female All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Muresan Lucian 158 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Nicolae Alexandru 166 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Opris Lucian 171 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Panta Rares 174 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Piciu Viorel 177 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Piringer Beata Adrienne 178 Female All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Ponomariov Victor 179 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Popescu Cristian 183 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Popovici Anisoara 185 Female All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Rab Andor 187 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Radu Mihai Alexandru 190 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Radulescu Gheorghe 191 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Sarca Radu 196 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Seicean Valentin 198 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Sofronie Robert 204 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Stoica Vlad 211 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Tache Daniel 213 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Tache Daniel 215 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Uifalean Andrei 224 Male All Ages DNS
-- -- -- Vasile Isabella 228 Female All Ages DNS